Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mission 1: Origins of War

Origins of war

Ascendus, Jewel of the Icarus. An ancient battlefield where muffled cries of eons long dead still echo through vast canyons. It is here that 3 forces will clash and the history of time itself will be written. In a small clearing to the north, a rogue company of Dark Eldar known as the Mourning Mantids have set up a makeshift base. Their scans have revealed recent deposits of valuable Phylite on the planet's surface, which they've been utilizing to fuel increasingly devious genetic experiments. Grateful to this forgotten star system for cradling the origins of their people, the Mantids live symbiotically with the ecosystem. Despite their nefarious intentions, ancient blood ties to the planet have rendered their presence practically invisible to Necron sensors. However, small ripples soon turn to waves. With the increasing entropy of their dark experiments, it is only a matter of time before their corruption is noticed. A landscape once dormant now pulses with nervous energy. The age of stability is now gone and turmoil will soon sweep in to take its place.
A Chance Encounter
Kicking up clouds of red sand, a small Dark Eldar scout party shrieks toward a blip on the radar. Their destination is a fresh impact crater at the heart of an expansive desert known as the Valley of Rust. In this desolate wasteland, crimson sands stretch from no particular beginning toward no particular end. The Mantids can sense that this is a place where time itself has stopped. With each mile, trekking further into the dunes, the air around them grows warmer. Motes of red dust begin to dance, following their movements and flowing like waves through the sand before them. Racing ahead, the sand begins to swell and burst in erratic movements as the radar ticks become louder and more frequent. Just over the next ridge, the horizon burns in a lake of flame. Huge craters dot the landscape where fragments of a massive meteor have been strewn like small pebbles. The Mantids, whose eyes have evolved to spot detail at great distance, have already seen their target. Scattered among the burning debris, tiny specks of  exposed Phylite shimmer from within their metallic tomb. However, extraction of the Mineral will require finesse. The shattered Meteorite lies as the center of a violent debris field. The impact and subsequent inferno has generated a thick haze in the sky above their heads. Over the havoc, a low drone can be heard, slowly increasing in volume with each passing second. Panicked, the Mantids look on, scanning the fog for signs of its origins. Something is approaching from just beyond the limits of visibility. Squinting harder to see beyond the abyss, all eyes focus skyward. With a blast of sonic energy, a monstrous dark vessel booms through the void. Heat lightning arcs from its wicked hull. Chaos has arrived.

Quantum Disturbance
Something has changed. Originating from the barren lands known as the Valley of Rust, two distinct beacons have been detected, disrupting the steady slumber of Sentry's Defiant. The signals are foreign, yet underlain with a hint of the familiar. One of unknown origin writhes with unmatched anger. The other, a variation on an ancient power, teaming with hatred and disgust. Malevolence of this magnitude has never before been documented in the Necron annals of time. Apparent localized electromagnetic disruption readings and planetary thermo-regulatory sensors seem to indicate that these foreign invaders come with immense sense of purpose. They do not wish to slaughter and consume as the primitive Iron Tide had. These intruders are after something much more. After thousands of years, waiting beneath ancient debris, perhaps an opposition worthy of Sentry's presence had finally approached. As the dust fell from his metal figure, Sentry lifted himself from his tomb. While they did not yet know it, the invaders were about to confront one of the most infamous legends in Necron lore. Sentry would send his scouts to investigate and upon their return, devise a plot to banish the intruders from his domain.

A Second Chance
The abrupt planetary unrest has not been without immediate consequence. Like twisting knives, the imprisoned Chronus has directly suffered the transformation occuring within his realm. With each new wave of corruption, hatred ripples and twists his cage. Reality is becoming increasingly unstable. Small energy fluctuations have already begun to surge over extinct iron bones. Left unchecked, these interactions have the potential to distort time altogether, bringing forth new adaptations of old adversaries. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before the Iron Tide feeds again...

The Mission

Capture the Flag
2 Attacking Forces must attempt to retrieve a singular flag from the center of the board and return it to their deployment zone. 1 Defending Force must attempt to destroy both attacking forces. Only one unit may be in possession of the flag at any given time. The flag is surrendered if the unit in possession of it is wiped out or forced to flee. The flag must be in coherency with a unit to be captured. The flag may not enter vehicles or fortifications.
Win Conditions
Attacking Force: Successful transportation of the flag into his deployment zone.
Defending Force: Complete annihilation of all Attacking forces on the field.

The Battlefield
The Valley of Rust is a relatively open plain with only small obstructions and area terrain dotting the landscape. Recent planetary disturbance has made this area particularly prone to Dust storms which can strike unexpectedly and last for minutes or even days.

Both Attacking Forces will set up using Hammer and Anvil deployment (page 119). Beginning turn 2, the Defending Force will arrive automatically via reserve from either table edge (determined by a roll of 4+ on a d6).

Special Rules
Cumbersome: Any unit in possession of the flag may move no more than 6 inches in any phase. This also applies to the flag itself.
Tactical Positioning (Dark Eldar): Dark Eldar forces get a +1 modifier when rolling for first turn, signifying their advantageous positioning on the battlefield before confrontation. Initiative can still be seized on a 6+.
Into the Fray! (Chaos Marines): If the Chaos Marine force loses the roll for first turn and fails to seize the initiative, 1 Chaos Space Marine infantry unit may gain the Scout special rule (pg 41).
Dust Devils: Before the game, roll for night fighting as usual. All models suffer the night fighting penalties, regardless of special rules or abilities that specify otherwise. Dense clouds of dust have hindered sight drastically. Due to the granular nature of the storm, even the keenest eyes cannot cut through the clouds.
Reinforcements (Necrons): If the entire Necron force is reduced to 20% of its starting point value (100 points), they are immediately removed from play and a second 500 point force of Tyranids may infiltreate or outflank onto the battlefield immediately from reserve. The Chronus' Volatile nature has brought back an extinct company of Tyranids. Raging with confused hunger, they consume all in sight.

Army Composition
Necrons: 500 points. No HQ slot, but 1 Lord from a Royal Court allowed. 500 points of Tyranid reinforcements.
Dark Eldar: 500 points. No HQ.
Chaos Marines: 500 points. No HQ.