Just an update on my first attempt at vehicle painting!
My plan is to eventually hijack someone else's airbrush to use for my own necronic purposes. My good buddy who originally showed me the ways of the airbrush has sadly since moved to Boston. Unfortunately, he did not forget to take his airbrush with him (drats!). Until I can find an adequate brush of air, I plan on keeping my vehicles quite naked and grey. BUT! not all vehicle parts are created equal! The individual weaponry can still be painted separately. So that leads me to the Doomsday Cannon. This little dude will basically carry the exact same paint scheme as the rest of the army. Now, I know many people will be painting this to appear as if glowing... Well my Necrons are practical Necrons and they believe that if something is glowing, it probably means its just going to blow up. Also, I cannot paint source lighting for shit. So no glowy bits for my phallic cannon of awesomeness. Stay tuned for further updates as this is not even near completion!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Stalker, Texas Ranger
Upon first receiving the Necron codex, I knew I just had to include a Triarch Stalker into my list. The hardest question was, "how do I get a spidery walker vehicle to fit on a walker base?" I thought about making a model from scratch, but decided against it based solely on lack of resources. I then devoted my time to finding a suitable (and above all else, CHEAP) alternative. It came to me in the form of a flashlight!
I found this little guy while browsing Big Lots for no apparent reason. I initially picked it up out of curiosity, then realized it had LEGS! I figured I would find a way to fit him on an MC base and bought him right then and there. the whole light was $3! the hobby doesn't get much cheaper than that. I later discovered I can buy them individually from "MadeInChina.com". No lie. I couldn't even make that up.
I found this little guy while browsing Big Lots for no apparent reason. I initially picked it up out of curiosity, then realized it had LEGS! I figured I would find a way to fit him on an MC base and bought him right then and there. the whole light was $3! the hobby doesn't get much cheaper than that. I later discovered I can buy them individually from "MadeInChina.com". No lie. I couldn't even make that up.
The best part is I can use him as a Canoptek Spyder (as seen above) or flip his little flashlight head up and suddenly he's a Triarch Stalker (seen below)!
When I'm feeling extra cheesy or when anyone asks me what its made of, I simply turn on the flashlight. A small glimmer of life shines through the black primer coat I used over the whole model. I like the way it diffuses the light. It creates an eye-like feature for my lovely beast.
Finally, I wanted him to seem ravaged by war. As such, his little bug feet are scratched up from years of roaming the arid desserts. to complete him, I will drybrush a bit of orange up his legs to simulate dust collection, but until then, he's ready to play.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Crypteks! The lovable little second-in-command thugs for even the greatest of HQ choices. The model itself is very limited (as far as weapon load out) so I decided to make my own! I'm always up for a good conversion ;)
The 2 crypteks I take the most are the Harbinger of Destruction and Harbinger of Despair.
The Harbinger of Destruction
This guy has a solar pulse and an eldritch lance. I figured I would use the standard cryptek model for him since I have no idea what a "Solar Pulse" would physically look like, let alone an Eldritch Lance. This guy is still an unimpressive work in progress.
Over all, not a fan of finecast....more from this guy when he's done. moving on!
Harbinger of Despair
I decided to start with a Warhammer Fantasy Cairn Wraith as the basis of this conversion. I wanted him to seem shrouded in darkness, as a "Veil of Darkness" should be! After snipping off some necron limbs and making them fit, I came up with this guy!
Still working on this guy as well, but I was excited to use him in my latest tournament :) he certainly did his job!
After playtesting, I have decided that wraiths are my absolute favorite unit in the entire codex. They absolutely wraith face in close combat and ignore all terrain. they are flying killing machines. Unfortunately the current wraith models are both metal and hideous. (seen below)
I do not like the idea of a necron warrior with ridiculous scapula implants that look like car doors. Not to mention, the thing is hovering off the ground on what seems to be a giant metal penis...
While I like the original fluff for wraiths, they got updated to be more along the lines of awesome. Wraiths are now less like warriors and more like bugs! (coming from tyranids, I very much enjoy this approach) Wraiths are the killing machines that tyranids should be. 3+ save with a 3+ invuln means no matter what you shoot me with, I'll always get muh 3+!
I do not like the idea of a necron warrior with ridiculous scapula implants that look like car doors. Not to mention, the thing is hovering off the ground on what seems to be a giant metal penis...
While I like the original fluff for wraiths, they got updated to be more along the lines of awesome. Wraiths are now less like warriors and more like bugs! (coming from tyranids, I very much enjoy this approach) Wraiths are the killing machines that tyranids should be. 3+ save with a 3+ invuln means no matter what you shoot me with, I'll always get muh 3+!
Now doesn't that look better? Big bad bugs eating peoples faces with steel teeth! I wanted to create wraiths that were terrifying, bug-like, and appeared to have the wispy nimbleness that is "Wraith flight". After rummaging through bits, I finally came up with a model that allowed for all of these things! All it required:
~1 Praetorian backplate (praetorians suck and ill never use them)
~1 necron warrior body
~ Ghost ark bits (you dont need the dead warriors on the model... its perfectly obvious as a ghost ark without them)
~ 4 hormagaunt scything talons (yay for tyranid bits!)
The result is a seemingly terrifying blend of machine and insectoid. I simply altered the tail bits for determining whip coils or particle casters.
Some of them still need their head crests. Let me know what you think of the color distributions, I'm still deciding what colors to paint what on them! All-in-all i'm incredibly happy with how these guys turned out :) so far, they're a unique take on wraiths. None like them on the interwebz yet!
The Warrior Concept
This is the first est piece for my warriors. I'm still working on the color balances as far as what sections should be painted what. I've been doing this with at least 1 of every type of unit to determine where the colors look best on each model. I wanted their coloring to be subtle, as there will more often than not be an entire block of warriors marching up the field.
Again, the main color scheme is Tin Bitz. Armor in custom patina with accents of bleached bone. I think its still pretty reminiscent of ancient Egypt (as necrons are supposed to be).
Again, the main color scheme is Tin Bitz. Armor in custom patina with accents of bleached bone. I think its still pretty reminiscent of ancient Egypt (as necrons are supposed to be).
Overlord Fancypants
Aside from obvious character HQ bad-assery, you can create your own overlords to run amok hacking and slashing (and Tachyon Arrowing) enemies to bits. Here is my latest Overlord who I've named Fancypants. I realize that he is not wearing any pants, but if that's your only problem with a bunch of million year old space skeleton zombie robots bent on taking over the world, then I think we're fine. Here he is in all his glory.
My army is based on a planet with fine red dust (such as mars). I wanted some of this dust to be kicked up onto their legs from years of trudging through the tomb world.
I wanted to blow up this picture a bit because my phone actually did a good job at not making this one blurry. As you can see, he has definitely seen better days. Shiny armor? Hell no! Shiny armor is for cowards who do not wish to engage the enemy in a furious clash of bullets and blood! My metal warmongers are not afraid to get their hands dirty.
Lord of The Storm!
I finished my work on Imotekh, Lord of The Storm. He recently made his debut in a local tournament. This pretty much defines the theme for my army. The main color is custom and meant to act as a somewhat aged patina finish for their armor. The bots themselves are undercoated with Tin Bitz, as was Imotekhs cape. These guys have been walking the earth since before your grandmothers mothers fathers uncle existed, so I wanted them to be a bit beat to hell. As such, they've suffered quite a few scratches here and there :) Behold, the mighty (and crude) Imotekh! Forgive his ill-natured pose... I'll avoid your disgust by pretending that he came that way... (he didn't... teeheehee).
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