Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stalker, Texas Ranger

Upon first receiving the Necron codex, I knew I just had to include a Triarch Stalker into my list. The hardest question was, "how do I get a spidery walker vehicle to fit on a walker base?" I thought about making a model from scratch, but decided against it based solely on lack of resources. I then devoted my time to finding a suitable (and above all else, CHEAP) alternative. It came to me in the form of a flashlight!

I found this little guy while browsing Big Lots for no apparent reason. I initially picked it up out of curiosity, then realized it had LEGS! I figured I would find a way to fit him on an MC base and bought him right then and there. the whole light was  $3! the hobby doesn't get much cheaper than that. I later discovered I can buy them individually from "". No lie. I couldn't even make that up.

The best part is I can use him as a Canoptek Spyder (as seen above) or flip his little flashlight head up and suddenly he's a Triarch Stalker (seen below)!

When I'm feeling extra cheesy or when anyone asks me what its made of, I simply turn on the flashlight. A small glimmer of life shines through the black primer coat I used over the whole model. I like the way it diffuses the light. It creates an eye-like feature for my lovely beast.
Finally, I wanted him to seem ravaged by war. As such, his little bug feet are scratched up from years of roaming the arid desserts. to complete him, I will drybrush a bit of orange up his legs to simulate dust collection, but until then, he's ready to play.

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