Monday, March 26, 2012


Crypteks! The lovable little second-in-command thugs for even the greatest of HQ choices. The model itself is very limited (as far as weapon load out) so I decided to make my own! I'm always up for a good conversion ;)

The 2 crypteks I take the most are the Harbinger of Destruction and Harbinger of Despair.

The Harbinger of Destruction
This guy has a solar pulse and an eldritch lance. I figured I would use the standard cryptek model for him since I have no idea what a "Solar Pulse" would physically look like, let alone an Eldritch Lance. This guy is still an unimpressive work in progress.
Over all, not a fan of finecast....more from this guy when he's done. moving on!

Harbinger of Despair
I decided to start with a Warhammer Fantasy Cairn Wraith as the basis of this conversion. I wanted him to seem shrouded in darkness, as a "Veil of Darkness" should be! After snipping off some necron limbs and making them fit, I came up with this guy!
Still working on this guy as well, but I was excited to use him in my latest tournament :) he certainly did his job!


  1. You and your conversions! I wish I had all of the bits and pieces you've got laying around- I could definitely go for making something crazy with the green stuff and bits ^_^

    Looking forward to seeing the Harbinger of Destruction painted up. I think he'll fit in just fine.

    1. Thanks man! I'm finding a lot of freedom in the fact that not every Necron warrior cares if he's missing a few limbs ;) so they get traded to someone else!
