Truth gives light to science. From science comes discovery and through discovery, all things are possible. These are basic Necron fundamentals, a lust for knowledge hardwired into every Necron being. The Nexus, a shared database from which all Necrons derive their knowledge of the physical world, hasn't seen an update in nearly 500 years. It was recently calculated that 98.7% of all possible empirical knowledge had already been explored and recorded in the Nexus. New findings are rare in this age, but not absent. The true origins of the foreign invaders which now threaten Ascendus do not register in the Necron records. This lack of information now plagues the Nexus and the individual Necron minds of those who tap into it. Who are these unknown intruders? What corner of the galaxy have they traveled from and from which beasts have they evolved? While the first few battles have revealed some of the enemy intentions, many questions are still left maddeningly unanswered. Driven by a thirst for knowledge, the Necrons rise for a cause much greater than victory. Their minds will continue to ponder aimlessly until solutions can be found.
Deep beneath the crust of Ascendus where temperatures soar far greater than any mortal could fathom, one such mind solemnly wanders. In this underworld, Sentry drifts weightless through a molten ocean of volcanic slag. He is hidden away from the noise of war and the burden of his sworn duty. White hot magma surrounds him in a warm embrace, flowing endlessly over his metallic frame. Sentry can feel his form expanding, warping and weakening his plating. In this state, Sentry is vulnerable. He prepares his battle plans, gathering all known information on his enemy and referencing previous battles recorded in the Nexus. He discovers that while one descends from an ancient race of elves, the other has branched from a humanoid race corrupted by the dimensional warp. Sentry knows that he must approach with caution. The Nexus registers a broad array of war tactics used by both entities, making it difficult to predict their next move. These hostile forces may prove harder to exterminate than Sentry had previously thought. He determines that it would be wise to avoid encountering both forces at the same time again if possible. Without completely understanding the minds of his enemies, it will be difficult to ensure victory.
As he surfaces from the volcanic chamber, his body hisses and pops in protest. His armor plating begins to harden as it cools, tempering the metal. With each venture he makes into the depths, his alloyed flesh becomes harder and stronger. He emerges with a strengthened mind and body, and perhaps most importantly, a battle plan.
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