Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When the Dust Has Settled

Wind ripped through the valley of rust in hard gusts. A minor sandstorm had followed the small Necron scout party, concealing their presence. Through sand dunes piled thick with time, Nephros led his warriors through the fog. As Sentry’s field tactician, It was his sworn duty to enter into unknown circumstances such that Sentry can better understand his opponents. Fearless and silent, Nephros and his scout squad trudged onward through the endless crimson grains. Their sensors had registered a harsh organic energy spike ahead. The erratic heat signatures indicated that these beings were already in the midst of a hurried battle. It was time. At Nephros’ will, the haze withdrew, revealing the unknown intruders.
The two forces rushed the field, sprinting towards a glinting object positioned between them. It was soon apparent that this chance deposit of Phylite was the prize for both parties. From the east, puffs of red sand plumed outward mirroring the sweeps and dodges of the Dark Eldar Jetbikes, weaving between them in a fragile dance of death. Blind fury drove them onward, charging into the oncoming chaotic marauders. From the west, deafening blasts ripped through flaming exhaust pipes. On steeds forged of iron, the unholy forces of Chaos charged fearlessly into the fray. Through a fog tinged with hatred, the Scouts of Lord Cyron’s Oathbreakers descended upon their prize, with every intention of slaughter and victory. However, battles based purely on raw bloodlust seldom go as planned. Over the dunes surrounding the valley, shots burning with rampant energy pierced the tense air. Nephros had arrived to put an end to this petty squabble and reclaim Sentry’s land.
Pushing deeper towards the Phylite, both parties rallied their remaining forces to focus on the common threat at hand. One by one the enemy fell to waves of piercing gauss fire. The ambush was a success.
It takes but a moment for the dust to clear over scarlet pools of organic matter. Bodies and burning wreckage litter the Valley of Rust, sending plumes of white smoke billowing to the sky. Silence floods the valley once more. 2 enemy squads down and not a single Necron casualty. Nephros stands proudly over the smoking ruin of a Dark Eldar vehicle. Sentry will be pleased.

Yet in the wake, airwaves crackle with signals, tiny transmissions of unknown data through the void. The surrounding white noise is too loud and too regular for Nephros to ignore. There are more forces where these few came from. Pinpointing the source of the transmissions, Nephros relays the message back to the catacomb fortress. For now, they must reconvene and wake additional reinforcements… a bigger battle lies ahead.

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